Pearl Gold Gumballs .5 Inch

Shimmering gold gumballs with a delicious fruity flavor. Perfect for weddings, parties, or just a sweet treat. Each gumball is .5 inches in diameter. Order now from Candy Nation for all your gumball needs!


Pearl Gold Gumballs .5 Inch

Pearl Gold Gumballs .5 Inch are shimmering gold gumballs with a delicious fruity flavor. Perfect for weddings, parties, or just a sweet treat. Each gumball is .5 inches in diameter, and there are approximately 275 gumballs per pound. Order now from Candy Nation for all your gumball needs!


Alberts Candy

Wedding Candy

Gold Candy

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Brands Alberts
Ingredients For the most up to date list of ingredients, please contact the manufacturer. For additional questions, please contact our customer service team at [email protected]