Assorted Wrapped Jawbreakers

Individually wrapped Assorted fruit flavors Add some color and fun to your bulk candy displays with Clever Candy Rainbow Jawbreakers. Perfect for party favor bags or candy buffets. Add to cart now!


Assorted Wrapped Jawbreakers

Assorted Wrapped Jawbreakers by Clever Candy are the perfect addition to your bulk candy collection. These individually wrapped jawbreakers come in assorted fruit flavors, adding a pop of color to your rainbow themed candy dispay.

Perfect for party favor bags, candy buffets, parade candy, and more.

The Clever Candy Rainbow Jawbreakers are not only delicious but also visually appealing with their vibrant rainbow colors. Each candy is individually wrapped, making them convenient for sharing or enjoying on the go.

Whether you're hosting a party, filling up a candy buffet, or looking for a tasty treat to enjoy anytime, these Assorted Wrapped Jawbreakers are sure to please candy lovers of all ages.

Bulk Wrapped Candy

Jawbreakers Candy

Rainbow Candy

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Brands Clever Candy