Puntini Fruitti Assortiti Sugar Free Candy


Puntini Fruitti Assortiti Sugar Free Candy

Puntini Fruitti Assortiti Sugar Free Candy by Chipurnoi Candy is a delectable Italian candy with a burst of fruit flavors. This sugar-free candy is perfect for those who are looking for a guilt-free treat. Each candy contains a blend of refreshing flavors including Limoncello, Mandarino, Lime, Blackberry, and Amarena Cherry. Made in Italy, these candies are the epitome of gourmet flavors. With approximately 350 candies per pound, you'll have plenty to share with friends and family. One of the unique features of Puntini Fruitti Assortiti Sugar Free Candy is that it is sweetened with Stevia and made with natural Acacia Gum. This means that you can enjoy the mouth-watering flavors without the guilt of consuming excessive sugar. These candies are the perfect choice for health-conscious individuals who still want to satisfy their sweet tooth. Treat yourself to a delightful burst of fruit flavors that will transport you to the streets of Italy. Whether you're enjoying a movie night at home or hosting a gathering, Puntini Fruitti Assortiti Sugar Free Candy is the perfect addition to any occasion. The small size and individually wrapped packaging make it convenient to carry with you. Each pound...


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